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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
 * An extended {@link Ext.Element} object that supports a shadow and shim, constrain to viewport and
 * automatic maintaining of shadow/shim positions.
Ext.define('Ext.dom.Layer', {
    extend: 'Ext.Element',
    uses: ['Ext.Shadow'],
    alternateClassName: 'Ext.Layer',

     * @cfg {Boolean} [shim=true]
     * False to disable the iframe shim in browsers which need one.

     * @cfg {String/Boolean} [shadow=false]
     * True to automatically create an {@link Ext.Shadow}, or a string indicating the
     * shadow's display {@link Ext.Shadow#mode}. False to disable the shadow.

     * @cfg {Object} [dh={tag: 'div', cls: 'x-layer'}]
     * DomHelper object config to create element with.

     * @cfg {Boolean} [constrain=true]
     * False to disable constrain to viewport.

     * @cfg {String} cls
     * CSS class to add to the element

     * @cfg {Number} [zindex=11000]
     * Starting z-index.

     * @cfg {Number} [shadowOffset=4]
     * Number of pixels to offset the shadow

     * @cfg {Boolean} [useDisplay=false]
     * Defaults to use css offsets to hide the Layer. Specify <tt>true</tt>
     * to use css style <tt>'display:none;'</tt> to hide the Layer.

     * @cfg {String} visibilityCls
     * The CSS class name to add in order to hide this Layer if this layer
     * is configured with <code>{@link #hideMode}: 'asclass'</code>

     * @cfg {String} hideMode
     * A String which specifies how this Layer will be hidden.
     * Values may be:
     * - `'display'` : The Component will be hidden using the `display: none` style.
     * - `'visibility'` : The Component will be hidden using the `visibility: hidden` style.
     * - `'offsets'` : The Component will be hidden by absolutely positioning it out of the visible area
     *   of the document. This is useful when a hidden Component must maintain measurable dimensions.
     *   Hiding using `display` results in a Component having zero dimensions.

    // shims are shared among layer to keep from having 100 iframes
    statics: {
        shims: []
    isLayer: true,

    localXYNames: {
        get: 'getLocalXY',
        set: 'setLocalXY'

     * Creates new Layer.
     * @param {Object} [config] An object with config options.
     * @param {String/HTMLElement} [existingEl] Uses an existing DOM element.
     * If the element is not found it creates it.
    constructor: function(config, existingEl) {
        config = config || {};
        var me = this,
            dh = Ext.DomHelper,
            cp = config.parentEl,
            pel = cp ? Ext.getDom(cp) : document.body,
            hm = config.hideMode,
            cls = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + (config.fixed && !(Ext.isIE6 || Ext.isIEQuirks) ? 'fixed-layer' : 'layer');

        // set an "el" property that references "this".  This allows
        // Ext.util.Positionable methods to operate on this.el.dom since it
        // gets mixed into both Element and Component
        me.el = me;

        if (existingEl) {
            me.dom = Ext.getDom(existingEl);
        if (!me.dom) {
            me.dom = dh.append(pel, config.dh || {
                tag: 'div',
                cls: cls // primarily to give el 'position:absolute' or, if fixed, 'position:fixed'
        } else {
            if (!me.dom.parentNode) {
        if (config.preventSync) {
            me.preventSync = true;

        if (config.id) {
            me.id = me.dom.id = config.id;
        } else {
            me.id = Ext.id(me.dom);


        if (config.cls) {
        me.constrain = config.constrain !== false;

        // Allow Components to pass their hide mode down to the Layer if they are floating.
        // Otherwise, allow useDisplay to override the default hiding method which is visibility.
        // TODO: Have ExtJS's Element implement visibilityMode by using classes as in Mobile.
        if (hm) {
            if (me.visibilityMode == Ext.Element.ASCLASS) {
                me.visibilityCls = config.visibilityCls;
        } else if (config.useDisplay) {
        } else {

        if (config.shadow) {
            me.shadowOffset = config.shadowOffset || 4;
            me.shadow = new Ext.Shadow({
                offset: me.shadowOffset,
                mode: config.shadow,
                fixed: config.fixed
        } else {
            me.shadowOffset = 0;
        me.useShim = config.shim !== false && Ext.useShims;
        if (config.hidden === true) {
        } else {

    getZIndex: function() {
        return parseInt((this.getShim() || this).getStyle('z-index'), 10);

    getShim: function() {
        var me = this,
            shim, pn;

        if (!me.useShim) {
            return null;
        if (!me.shim) {
            shim = me.self.shims.shift();
            if (!shim) {
                shim = me.createShim();
            pn = me.dom.parentNode;
            if (shim.dom.parentNode != pn) {
                pn.insertBefore(shim.dom, me.dom);
            me.shim = shim;
        return me.shim;

    hideShim: function() {
        var me = this;
        if (me.shim) {
            delete me.shim;

    disableShadow: function() {
        var me = this;
        if (me.shadow && !me.shadowDisabled) {
            me.shadowDisabled = true;
            me.lastShadowOffset = me.shadowOffset;
            me.shadowOffset = 0;

    enableShadow: function(show) {
        var me = this;
        if (me.shadow && me.shadowDisabled) {
            me.shadowDisabled = false;
            me.shadowOffset = me.lastShadowOffset;
            delete me.lastShadowOffset;
            if (show) {

     * @private
     * Synchronize this Layer's associated elements, the shadow, and possibly the shim.
     * This code can execute repeatedly in milliseconds,
     * eg: dragging a Component configured liveDrag: true, or which has no ghost method
     * so code size was sacrificed for efficiency (e.g. no getBox/setBox, no XY calls)
     * @param {Boolean} doShow Pass true to ensure that the shadow is shown.
    sync: function(doShow) {
        var me = this,
            shadow = me.shadow,
            shadowPos, shimStyle, shadowSize,
            shim, xy, x, y, w, h, shimIndex;
        if (me.preventSync) {

        if (!me.updating && me.isVisible() && (shadow || me.useShim)) {
            shim = me.getShim();
            xy = me[me.localXYNames.get]();
            x = xy[0];
            y = xy[1];
            w = me.dom.offsetWidth;
            h = me.dom.offsetHeight;

            if (shadow && !me.shadowDisabled) {
                if (doShow && !shadow.isVisible()) {
                } else {
                    shadow.realign(x, y, w, h);
                if (shim) {
                    // TODO: Determine how the shims zIndex is above the layer zIndex at this point
                    shimIndex = shim.getStyle('z-index');
                    if (shimIndex > me.zindex) {
                        me.shim.setStyle('z-index', me.zindex - 2);
                    // fit the shim behind the shadow, so it is shimmed too
                    if (shadow.isVisible()) {
                        shadowPos = shadow.el.getXY();
                        shimStyle = shim.dom.style;
                        shadowSize = shadow.el.getSize();
                        if (Ext.supports.CSS3BoxShadow) {
                            shadowSize.height += 6;
                            shadowSize.width += 4;
                            shadowPos[0] -= 2;
                            shadowPos[1] -= 4;
                        shimStyle.left = (shadowPos[0]) + 'px';
                        shimStyle.top = (shadowPos[1]) + 'px';
                        shimStyle.width = (shadowSize.width) + 'px';
                        shimStyle.height = (shadowSize.height) + 'px';
                    } else {
                        shim.setSize(w, h);
                        shim[me.localXYNames.set](x, y);
            } else if (shim) {
                // TODO: Determine how the shims zIndex is above the layer zIndex at this point
                shimIndex = shim.getStyle('z-index');
                if (shimIndex > me.zindex) {
                    me.shim.setStyle('z-index', me.zindex - 2);
                shim.setSize(w, h);
                shim[me.localXYNames.set](x, y);
        return me;

    remove: function() {

    // @private
    beginUpdate: function() {
        this.updating = true;

    // @private
    endUpdate: function() {
        this.updating = false;

    // @private
    hideUnders: function() {
        if (this.shadow) {

    // @private
    constrainXY: function() {
        if (this.constrain) {
            var vw = Ext.Element.getViewWidth(),
                vh = Ext.Element.getViewHeight(),
                s = Ext.getDoc().getScroll(),
                xy = this.getXY(),
                x = xy[0],
                y = xy[1],
                so = this.shadowOffset,
                w = this.dom.offsetWidth + so,
                h = this.dom.offsetHeight + so,
                moved = false; // only move it if it needs it
            // first validate right/bottom
            if ((x + w) > vw + s.left) {
                x = vw - w - so;
                moved = true;
            if ((y + h) > vh + s.top) {
                y = vh - h - so;
                moved = true;
            // then make sure top/left isn't negative
            if (x < s.left) {
                x = s.left;
                moved = true;
            if (y < s.top) {
                y = s.top;
                moved = true;
            if (moved) {
                Ext.Layer.superclass.setXY.call(this, [x, y]);
        return this;

    getConstrainOffset: function() {
        return this.shadowOffset;

    // overridden Element method
    setVisible: function(visible, animate, duration, callback, easing) {
        var me = this,

        // post operation processing
        cb = function() {
            if (visible) {
            if (callback) {

        // Hide shadow and shim if hiding
        if (!visible) {
        me.callParent([visible, animate, duration, callback, easing]);
        if (!animate) {
        return me;

    // @private
    beforeFx: function() {
        return this.callParent(arguments);

    // @private
    afterFx: function() {

    // @private
    beforeAction: function() {
        if (!this.updating && this.shadow) {

    // overridden Element method
    setLeft: function(left) {
        return this.sync();

    setTop: function(top) {
        return this.sync();

    setLeftTop: function(left, top) {
        return this.sync();

    setLocalX: function() {
        return this.sync();

    setLocalXY: function() {
        return this.sync();

    setLocalY: function() {
        return this.sync();

    setXY: function(xy, animate, duration, callback, easing) {
        var me = this;
        // Callback will restore shadow state and call the passed callback
        callback = me.createCB(callback);

        me.callParent([xy, animate, duration, callback, easing]);
        if (!animate) {
        return me;

    // @private
    createCB: function(callback) {
        var me = this,
            showShadow = me.shadow && me.shadow.isVisible();

        return function() {
            if (callback) {

    // overridden Element method
    setX: function(x, animate, duration, callback, easing) {
        this.setXY([x, this.getY()], animate, duration, callback, easing);
        return this;

    // overridden Element method
    setY: function(y, animate, duration, callback, easing) {
        this.setXY([this.getX(), y], animate, duration, callback, easing);
        return this;

    // overridden Element method
    setSize: function(w, h, animate, duration, callback, easing) {
        var me = this;
        // Callback will restore shadow state and call the passed callback
        callback = me.createCB(callback);

        me.callParent([w, h, animate, duration, callback, easing]);
        if (!animate) {
        return me;

    // overridden Element method
    setWidth: function(w, animate, duration, callback, easing) {
        var me = this;
        // Callback will restore shadow state and call the passed callback
        callback = me.createCB(callback);

        me.callParent([w, animate, duration, callback, easing]);
        if (!animate) {
        return me;

    // overridden Element method
    setHeight: function(h, animate, duration, callback, easing) {
        var me = this;
        // Callback will restore shadow state and call the passed callback
        callback = me.createCB(callback);

        me.callParent([h, animate, duration, callback, easing]);
        if (!animate) {
        return me;

    // overridden Element method
    setBounds: function(x, y, width, height, animate, duration, callback, easing) {
        var me = this;
        // Callback will restore shadow state and call the passed callback
        callback = me.createCB(callback);

        if (!animate) {
            Ext.Layer.superclass.setXY.call(me, [x, y]);
            Ext.Layer.superclass.setSize.call(me, width, height);
        } else {
            me.callParent([x, y, width, height, animate, duration, callback, easing]);
        return me;

     * Sets the z-index of this layer and adjusts any shadow and shim z-indexes. The layer
     * z-index is automatically incremented depending upon the presence of a shim or a
     * shadow in so that it always shows above those two associated elements.
     * Any shim, will be assigned the passed z-index. A shadow will be assigned the next
     * highet z-index, and the Layer's element will receive the highest  z-index.
     * @param {Number} zindex The new z-index to set
     * @return {Ext.Layer} The Layer
    setZIndex: function(zindex) {
        var me = this;
        me.zindex = zindex;
        if (me.getShim()) {
            me.shim.setStyle('z-index', zindex++);
        if (me.shadow) {
        return me.setStyle('z-index', zindex);
    onOpacitySet: function(opacity){
        var shadow = this.shadow;
        if (shadow) {